Our Children’s Kodesh Dress

Here at Tshuwah our mother’s make their little ones clothing. YAHWEH has baraked our mother’s hands to make the children clothes, so that they can be dressed kodash before YAHWEH. Women that serve YAHWEH must press daily to please YAH in all things, and the way that we dress and our children must be pleasing before YAH. PROVERBS 31:10 Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies . The heart of her husband does safely trust in her, so that he  shall have no need of spoil.

In this society today the clothing is polluted and you can’t find anything for your little ones to wear in YAH’s tabernacle. YAHWEH has commanded HIS people to come out of the world and learn not the ways of the heathen. So, the mothers that follow Torah Truth must sew with their hands to make their little ones kodash before YAHWEH. We must train our children in the things of YAHWEH, that they forget not what YAHWEH commands HIS people to do, and obey in ALL things. HALLELUYAH!!

Here are some pictures of our little ones dress and the mothers here made these clothing.Dessup 2012 074.jpgDessup 2012 045.jpgDessup 2012 056.jpgDessup 2012 037.jpg


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